"iLink was very helpful during all process, Thank you"
Previous Study
Flinders University
Queen's University Belfast
Ph.D in Education
October 2021

Marcellia Callista Tangie
"Aku seneng banget pengurusan aku untuk kuliah ke Monash University dibantu oleh iLink, karena semuanya dibikin simple!
Dan kerennya, pas aku ada pertanyaan" di hari libur atau tanggal merah pun, iLink tetep jawab pertanyaan" aku dengan cepet! Aku jadi ngerasa punya asisten pribadi untuk pengurusan kuliah aku ke Monash heheheh.
iLink kereeeen! Thank you iLink"
Dan kerennya, pas aku ada pertanyaan" di hari libur atau tanggal merah pun, iLink tetep jawab pertanyaan" aku dengan cepet! Aku jadi ngerasa punya asisten pribadi untuk pengurusan kuliah aku ke Monash heheheh.
iLink kereeeen! Thank you iLink"
Previous Study
SMA Kairos Gracia
Monash University
Bachelor of Science
July 2019

Adani Falah Rusli
"Awalnya aku sempet ragu dan bingung, bisa ga ya kalo dari sekolah negeri untuk langsung masuk ke kampus luar. Pas ketemu dengan iLink dijelasin donk kalo ternyata bisa banget. Dan mereka juga bilang kalo nilai aku bagus dan bisa masuk langsung ke Bachelor, tanpa harus melalui college. Aku seneng banget jadinya.
Segala pengurusan aku kuliah ke luar negeri dibantu banget oleh iLink. Semuanya bener" dimudahkan. Aku bersukur banget deh dibantuin oleh iLink.
Thank you so much iLink"
Segala pengurusan aku kuliah ke luar negeri dibantu banget oleh iLink. Semuanya bener" dimudahkan. Aku bersukur banget deh dibantuin oleh iLink.
Thank you so much iLink"
Previous Study
SMAN 4 Jakarta
Monash University
Bachelor of Arts
(International Relations)
(International Relations)
October 2021

Wendy Febrita
"Walaupun ketemu hal unik, karena aku ambil Diploma of Business dulu sebelom ambil Master of Business di Monash hahaha. iLink tetep bantuin dan semangatin aku terus pada saat aku ambil Diploma. They're like checkin up on me almost every week, to make sure that I'm capable of passing with good grades.
Semuanyaaa dibantuin oleh iLink. Dan sampe sekarang pun aku masih kontak"an dengan iLink untuk ngobrol".
iLink keren! Thank you so much iLink, from the bottom of my heart"
Semuanyaaa dibantuin oleh iLink. Dan sampe sekarang pun aku masih kontak"an dengan iLink untuk ngobrol".
iLink keren! Thank you so much iLink, from the bottom of my heart"
Previous Study
Raffles College of Design and Commerce
Monash University
Master of Business
Feb 2019

Albert Basra Utama
"Setelah curhat" dengan iLink, saya jadi yakin kampus mana yang akan saya tuju untuk mengambil Bachelor of Architecture. Dan semua pengurusannya dibantu oleh iLink. Dari pengurusan dokumen untuk apply ke Monash, tempat tinggal selama saya di sana, sampai visa pun juga dibantu oleh iLink. iLink sangat ramah dan helpful. saya bener" terbantu oleh iLink. two thumbs up iLink"
Previous Study
St. Francis Methodist School (Singapore)
Monash University
Bachelor of Architecture
Feb 2018

Gianina Shannon Godong
"Yang paling unik dari segala pengurusan aku ke Monash University untuk mengambil Master of Design dengan dibantu oleh iLink itu, aku sama sekali ga pernah ketemu tatap muka dengan iLink! hahahha.
segala komunikasi lewat telpon atau whatsapp, sampe di hari libur pun aku masih tetep dibantu. iLink sangat" ramah udah kaya ke temen sendiri, tapi tetep professional.
Thank you so much iLink!"
segala komunikasi lewat telpon atau whatsapp, sampe di hari libur pun aku masih tetep dibantu. iLink sangat" ramah udah kaya ke temen sendiri, tapi tetep professional.
Thank you so much iLink!"
Previous Study
Universitas Indonesia
Monash University
Master of Design
July 2017

Yudrika Putra
"iLink was very helpful during all process, Thank you"
Previous Study
Universitas Padjajaran
University of Alabama at Birmingham (USA)
Master of Public Administration
May 2017

"iLink assistance was very helpful for me, started from communicating with university, they also gave me a lot information about the accommodation, transportation and the others."
Previous Study
Universitas Diponegoro
Western Michigan University (USA)
MA in Physics
August 2017

Angga Bagus Bismoko
"iLink has professional work to assist student candidate to enroll their application to the university they want to. iLink has some profesional assistants that will help you to make sure all the requirements are complete before you start to submit your application until the announcement of admission.
In fact, iLink also provides a variety of information not only about the programs you take but also various information that is useful to you during your study abroad. So, trust iLink as an institution capable of realizing your dream of studying abroad.”
In fact, iLink also provides a variety of information not only about the programs you take but also various information that is useful to you during your study abroad. So, trust iLink as an institution capable of realizing your dream of studying abroad.”
Previous Study
Universitas Airlangga
Western Michigan University (USA)
Master of Applied Economics
August 2017

Jessica Madiza
"iLink was very helpful in everything."
Previous Study
Universitas Bina Nusantara
University of Westminster (UK)
MA Design of Communication
September 2014

Budi Laksana
”iLink helped me a lot in processing my application to the university. The staff were not only giving me some consideration regarding to the suitable universities but also professionally processed my application and gave me updates of the application process regularly.
Besides, iLink also helped me apply the student visa and also provided me with many useful information of my destination university.”
Besides, iLink also helped me apply the student visa and also provided me with many useful information of my destination university.”
Previous Study
Universitas Gajah Mada
University of Adelaide (Australia)
Master of Business Law
February 2014

Bernad Hasahatan
"The staff helped me nicely with the process to get to the uiversity They are really organized”
Previous Study
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Monash University (Australia)
Master of lnternational Business
March 2013

Wahyu Nurhayati
”iLink has assisted me in everything starting from application process and arranging accomodations”
Previous Study
Universitas Gajah Mada
Monash University (Australia)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
September 2013